Individual plant growth chambers that provide a photo-selective light environment, protected microclimate, and natural vine training for grapes.
Individual growth chambers create an optimized light and microclimate environment to protect vines from wind, hail, frost, pests, and heat damage.
Opti-Gro overcomes shading from adjacent vines while reducing labor costs by naturally training vines onto the trellis system.
Vines grown with Opti-Gro develop lignified, fully mature laterals in their first season, enabling production in the following year.
Replanted vines take several seasons to reach production, and rarely catch up with the rest of the vineyard due to shading and labor required for vine training. The result can be 3-5% annual loss. Replanted grapevines with Opti-Gro reach production faster, overcoming shading by adjacent vines.
Opti-Filter™ is a patented light filtration technology that maximizes the sun’s most productive rays, filtering out those that inhibit growth. By converting natural sunlight into scattered red-enriched light, Opti-Filter gives plants more of what they need to thrive.
Opti-Filter technology is integrated into rugged farmer-centric field products designed to increase light interception while providing a microclimate environment and significant reductions in labor costs and other expenses associated with conventional farming.
Newly planted vineyards typically take 2-3 years to produce a viable first crop and 4-5+ years to reach full production. Conventional small diameter disposable grow tubes restrict leaf growth and increase internodal length – hampering vine development
Contact us today, and let one of our advisors show you how implementing Opti-Harvest into your farm can strengthen your bottom line!