Helping Grape Growers

Vineyard Solutions

Our family of products are dedicated to helping vineyard and grape growers save time and maximize yield.

Products Designed To Help Your Vineyard Thrive.

For Table, Raisin & Wine Grapes

Opti-Gro shortens growth time to production by 1-2 years.

Vines that are grown with Opti-Gro develop lignified, fully mature laterals in their first season, enabling production in the following year.

Table Grapes, Raisin Grapes & Other Mature Trellis Crops

Opti-Panels provide 5-8x more light than common farming practices.

A revolutionary light, canopy and fruit management system provides an optimized light environment, rain protection and self-training for table grapes and other trellised fruit crops.

Video Testimonial

Watch How We Help Grow with Opti-Gro

I am very, very pleased, as is the entire team here, and I’m confident this will now go through to when we plant 17,000 new seedling varieties next year.

Martin Crompton
Union Grove Farms
Vineyard Manager

“We’ll be going with quite a number of these in the ground.”


If you’ve visited us in the past year, you’ve likely seen our experiment in action. We purchased 70 Opti-Harvest chambers for the 2022 growing season to see what they could do for our vines. We compared the performance of these chambers with blue ‘Grow Tubes” that capture and concentrate blue light and with our control section without any chambers. We quickly saw what the right kind of light can do for vine growth. By optimizing photosynthesis of the vines, our crops with the Opti-Harvest chambers showed 50% more vine growth than the controls. In addition to increasing vine yield, we noted an increase in disease and pest resistance.

Martin Crompton
Project Director, Union Grove Farm

For the panels and replanting units – there is really no competition out there.

William Peacock
Tulare County UCCE Viticulture Consultant and Researcher (Emeritus)

I don’t want to call it an instant vine, but they have a vine that is well on its way to having the permanent parts in place, the structure that’s going to be enhanced by diameter growth, that day. And that’s remarkable. That’s fast. That’s cost savings right there.

Rhonda J. Smith
Viticulture Farm Advisor, UCCE Sonoma County (Emeritus)

Ready To See Your Crop Grow In a New Light?

Contact us today, and let one of our advisors show you how implementing Opti-Harvest into your farm can strengthen your bottom line!