In Sebastopol, CA, we look at the difference benefits of using Opt-Gro.
Illustrating growth acceleration for vine replants/vine replacements using Opti-Gro.
#GrowTube #OptiGro #OptiHarvest
A look at the benefits wine growers using Opt-Gro.
Part 1 of 2
A continuation of part 1 showing the benefits of using Opti-Gro.
Part 2 of 2
Benefits of Opti-Gro on Cabernet Sauvignon.
A testimonial from Martin Crompton at the North Carolina vineyard 90 days into using Opt-Gro.
Al Wagner, senior vice president of Foley Family Farms, and Craig Harvey of Nelson Farming of Ventura.
By creating a protective microclimate, Opti-Shield™ utilizes sunlight more effectively by scattering it at an optimal spectrum. This results in an extended growing period, environmental stress mitigation, and repelling of pests that may threaten plant growth.
See a practical use for the Opti-Shield.
Opti-Shield’s structure creates a protective microclimate barrier to shield plants from wind which, coupled with uniformly scattered sunlight of optimized spectrum, lengthens daily growing period, protects plants from environmental stress, and repels pests.
A natural benefit of heat and rain protection provided by Opti-Panels™ is mitigating loss of harvestable crop and labor-savings. Post-harvest in a Krissy vineyard in Clovis, California, we observe 80% fewer berries dropped by labor crews in the section protected by the Opti-Panel. Protection from rain and fruit rot, high humidity & condensation, heat damage, wind and hail equate to substantial savings for the grower from fruit loss and reduced labor costs to “clean” clusters during harvest.
#laborsavings #heatprotection #rainprotection #tablegrapes #krissy #profitablefarmer
Lisbon Lemons – Opti-Panels vs Control in Kern County.
See what Adora table grapes look like when you grow without vs with Opti-Panels.
Bill Peacock shows a comparison of condensation build up for table grapes with plastic covers vs Opti-Panels.
Observe the difference in growth between Shiranui treated with Opti-Panel vs. trees without the benefits of red-enriched light
Opti-Panel VS Control
Frost Damage on Krisy Table Grapes.
Contact us today, and let one of our advisors show you how implementing Opti-Harvest into your farm can strengthen your bottom line!